YCM: Your Creativity Matters

A 9 Month Creative Incubator - September 2024 through May 2025

Choosing a creative path is ultimately a decision to matter - to decide that your voice matters even among a million other voices.

It can be confusing, disorienting and at times lonely wading through the sea of literally millions of other artists, songwriters, writers, filmmakers, photographers, or any other field you may be in. And with the advances in social media, we are constantly bearing witness (with or without our permission) to others accolades, successes and seemingly neat, linear trajectories (when we don’t know the details or reality of their situations) - it can be painful. We may begin question why or how our voice could matter among so many others (who we may believe are more talented, more deserving, more special, more beautiful, or something other quality that we lack).

The systems set out for artists are not easy to navigate, not always financially rewarding and not always fair. Sometimes, there are no clear systems at all (welcome, musicians - I see you) and we are forced to figure out our own way forward. Yet without the conscious act of deeply choosing, our creations may stay lukewarm at best. Without community, support and tending to our hearts - the path can be fraught.

Whether you have a big or small project that you want to bring to fruition over the duration of this program, I will support you x1000 in making that your reality in a way that brings you joy, meaning, purpose and an even bigger impact as the artist that you want to be seen and known as (in your own eyes first, and then in the eyes of the world).

Beyond that, I will support you in healing any emotional blocks or challenges that come up (or already exist) in your path to artistry. Even if you’ve been stuck or struggling for a long time, or just frankly want to see more growth than you’ve seen so far, I am here for you. I’ve seen the incredible power of somatic healing work combined with practical action and I’m ready to share it!

Our creative lives are reflections of our inner lives, and much like any aspect of our life, it also has the ability to grow and change.

If you take the time to nurture it, choose it, live by its side and understand its value in the deepest of ways.

Includes -

1 group coaching meeting per month - for conversation, discussion + practical tools

1 group EFT / tapping meeting per month - for deep, nervous system healing + integration

opportunity to book private sessions with me at a reduced rate

a new topic / theme of discussion for each month we gather

Limited to 30 Participants

Rates -

Scholarship: $75/Month
• 2 group meetings per month
for BIPOC, single parents, LGBTQ+, living with a disability, neurodivergent

Community: $125/Month
• 2 group meetings per month
• plus a quarterly private session with me (3 in total)

Supporter: $175/Month
• 2 group meetings per month
• plus monthly private sessions with me (9 total)

*private sessions can be used for eft / tapping, creativity coaching, and/or songwriting mentorship

Are you interested? Let me know here (this is not an agreement to join - registration will open in September 2024)